/** * Defines a set of flags used to control various launcher behaviors. * * <p>All the flags should be defined here with appropriate default values. */ publicfinalclassFeatureFlags { /** * Enable moving the QSB on the 0th screen of the workspace. This is not a configuration feature * and should be modified at a project level. */ publicstaticfinalbooleanQSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN= BuildConfig.QSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN;
publicfinalclassBuildConfig { publicstaticfinalStringAPPLICATION_ID="com.android.launcher3"; publicstaticfinalbooleanDEBUG=false; /** * Flag to state if the QSB is on the first screen and placed on the top, * this can be overwritten in other launchers with a different value, if needed. */ publicstaticfinalbooleanQSB_ON_FIRST_SCREEN=false; }